Large Colloid Cyst

37 years old patient presenting with hydrocephalus caused by unusually large Colloid Cyst (CC) at the typical location in the region of foramina Monroe. CC have characteristic appearance as thin-walled cyst in this location filled with rather homogenous high density content (cholesterol and proteins) on non-contrast CT. This one is rather large. For "usual" size Colloid Cyst see this other case. CC can grow and obstruct foramina Monroe causing hydrocephalus - as in this case. Therefore neurosurgeons often recommend follow-up of CC that do not cause hydrocephalus or operate cases like this one. 

Patient has been operated (new images on the left) with successful removal of the CC and reduction of the hydrocephalus. Operation using endoscope and only small trepanation frontally (not shown). Note how nicely the sulci are seen now after operation compared with pre-operative images. 

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